resistance, an impaired response to normal amounts of insulin, is
seen in up to half of all patients with essential hypertension and is
hypothesized to be a major cause of such hypertension. Reduced
response to insulin, in addition to being dysfunctional glucose
metabolism and a precursor to diabetes, usually stimulates the
pancreas to deliver and maintain insulin levels that are considerably
higher than normal; and the resulting hyperinsulinemia can be
responsible for an array of untoward effects that predispose the
patient to other cardiovascular complications. Though controversy has
reigned over the question of whether hypertension or hyperinsulinemia
are cause or effect, reduction of blood pressure has little effect on
hyperinsulinema, while reducing insulin levels does reduce blood
Ingestion of food
normally produces a temporary increase in activity of the sympathetic
nervous system evidenced by higher levels of norepinephrine
detectable in the urine. The sustained higher levels of insulin in
the insulin resistant, though, perpetuate this elevated
norepinephrine level, mimicking the effects of ingesting a meal and
maintaining a higher level of sympathetic stimulation, which of
course can result in elevated blood pressure. In addition, the
higher levels of insulin increase sodium reabsorption in the kidney
(also detectable by lower sodium levels in the urine), which
contributes to elevated blood pressure by increasing blood levels of
Bearing in mind insulin’s
role in lipid metabolism, other effects of hyperinsulinemia become
apparent. Insulin increases fatty acid synthesis and VLDL secretion,
while decreasing lipolysis and beneficial HDL cholesterol secretion
leading to abnormal lipoprotein metabolism, elevated triglyceride and
total cholesterol levels, diminished HDL-cholesterol levels,
generation of dense particles of harmful LDL cholesterol,
microalbuminuria, and hyperuricemia. These are almost all considered
risk factors for atherosclerosis.
A number of factors have
been shown to contribute to the development of hyperinsulinemia, not
the least of which is advancing age. It appears that in spite of
increased sympathetic nervous system stimulation, which would presume
peripheral vasoconstriction, hyperinsulinemia also causes a
concomitant direct dilation of blood vessels which has yet to be
explained. This paradoxical dilation, hypothesized as a compensatory
mechanism, is notably reduced in the elderly; and the level of
sympathetic nervous activity is also increased in the elderly.
Lack of exercise in adult
life and obesity (particularly with fat distributed in the upper
body/abdomen – the omental or visceral fat deep within the trunk)
are known environmental contributors to hyperinsulinema; and low
birth weight, poor growth in the first year of life, and poor
nutrition tend to “imprint” a child for development of insulin
resistance later in life. The most significant factor, though, seems
to be heredity, for fully 70% of differences seen in patients’
insulin sensitivities are attributable to genetic makeup.
Since the actual
mechanism of insulin resistance development remains elusive, it has
been dubbed “Syndrome X”; and recent evidence points toward a
protein called glut-4, responsible for mediating the transport of
glucose into muscle cells for metabolism, as the basis for Syndrome
X. Lower concentrations of glut-4 are seen in association with
omental fat, insulin resistance, and elevated blood pressures, while
higher concentrations of glut-4 are seen in normotensive patients
with normal insulin sensitivity. Unfortunately, only 25% of the
differences seen in insulin sensitivities can be explained with
glut-4 levels, so other factors are obviously at work in the process.
Diabetic patients are
more likely to suffer kidney disease, stroke, and ischemic heart
disease and to have more difficulty in recovering from heart attack
and stroke than the general population; so early adequate control of
hypertension in the diabetic patient is essential in slowing the
progression of complications, extending survival, and maintaining
quality of life. Recommendation for intervention is made for
diabetic patients with lower elevated blood pressure than for
non-diabetic patients, as renal damage in diabetic patients carries a
100-fold increase in cardiovascular risk.
Due to
their lack of effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, ACE
inhibitors are considered the drugs of choice for treatment of
hypertension in diabetics, though they may be less effective in
Afro-Caribbean populations where calcium antagonists may be required.
By inhibiting the conversion of Angiotensin-I to Angiotensin-II, ACE
inhibitors 1) block arteriolar constriction, 2) retard Sodium
retention and stimulate Potassium excretion by blocking the release
of aldosterone, 3) reduce thirst by reducing the synthesis of ADH,
and 4) redistribute blood flow away from nephrons to counter volume
addition to an undefined beneficial effect on insulin resistance, ACE
inhibitors slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy in IDDM by a
mechanism independent of their pressor effects. They are also the
mainstay of treatment (along with minimal doses of diuretics) of
chronic cardiac failure also seen in the affected patient population.