Replacing Magnesium and Potassium In Diuretic Therapy
Goal To update the clinician’s knowledge of the importance of replacing
potassium and magnesium orally, in light of the latest
recommendations that diuretics remain first-line therapeutic agents
in treatment of hypertension.
Objectives Upon
concluding this program, the clinician should be able to:
Outline reasoning
behind recommendations that diuretics be used as first-line agents
in treatment of uncomplicated essential hypertension;
List the cations
likely to be depleted by such therapy and the consequences of
depletion; and
Design therapeutic
diuretic and supplemental regimens appropriate for the hypertensive
patient in order to maximize therapeutic efficacy and minimize
potential complications.
New paragraph
Introduction “Hypertension
currently affects 50 million people in the United States. For those
without hypertension who are 55-65 years of age, the lifetime
probability of developing hypertension is 90%. Forty percent of the
overall cost of $37 billion for hypertension is for drug therapy,
currently taken by 24 million people.” 1 According
to The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart
Attack Trial (ALLHAT). JAMA.
diuretics (TTDs) were unsurpassed in reducing clinical events and
lowering blood pressure and were as well-tolerated as calcium channel
blocker (CCB) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE
inhibitor) therapy in ALLHAT. Thus, diuretics continue to be
recommended as initial therapy in hypertension. While the details of
the study and its conclusions were considerably more complex than
that; and treatment of hypertension in any given individual must be
based on multiple parameters, it seems an undeniable assessment that
diuretics will reasonably remain a cornerstone in the treatment
uncomplicated hypertension. All this in spite of the facts that
other classes of antihypertensive medication are more expensive and
that the underlying mechanisms by which diuretics provide enduring
lowering of blood pressure remain poorly understood – the theory
and observation that they temporarily reduce blood volume doesn’t
adequately explain their long-term effectiveness.1 The ALLHAT
study also seems to defy the logic of “you get what you pay for,”
since the diuretics, most now available as generic formulations,
represent some of the most economical of all therapeutic choices when
treating hypertension; yet they have been demonstrated to provide
superior protection against the advancement of cardiovascular disease
(CVD) and incidence of both fatal and non-fatal myocardial
infarction. The plain fact of it is that most hypertensive patients
are just better-off in the long run for taking a diuretic than
another more expensive option in the absence of another significant
factor (like diabetes), especially since most cases of hypertension
lack a single definable and reversible causative factor. Those
patients insufficiently responsive to a single medication for
hypertension and appropriate lifestyle changes should be considered
for combination therapy to minimize the side effects of higher doses
of a single therapeutic option and optimize clinical efficacy, and
such combinations typically include a diuretic when the first choice
was not a diuretic.As
with many health problems, it is often rational to use small to
moderate dosages of multiple medications to achieve blood pressure
goals in order to reduce the incidence and severity of side effects.
also emphasizes that hypertension is merely a symptom of what is
usually a function of multiple existing problems in metabolism and
lifestyle (usually including extent of atherosclerosis as a function
of age and lifestyle choices), tends to worsen over time without
intervention, and eventually leads to other more severe problems that
can include congestive heart failure, cardiovascular disease,
myocardial infarction, and stroke, whose reduction in incidence and
severity are the ultimate goal of antihypertensive efforts.It is important to note that the
ALLHAT study compared usage of one agent in each of the three
relevant classes of medication (chlorthalidone in the case of the
thiazide-like diuretic), but that broad assumptions can be made from
such large study results; and the importance of normalizing blood
lipids in the process of minimizing developing cardiovascular disease
cannot be ignored. 1
Cation Depletion
The fact that diuretics
continue to be considered first-line therapy in uncomplicated
hypertension, though, highlights the necessity of addressing the
problem of depletion of magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) by the
diuretics, and possibly even zinc, especially with long-term therapy.
One of the most common and serious side effects of diuretic therapy
is in increased urinary loss of K, and though less well-publicized
and measured, excessive urinary loss of Mg can also be clinically
significant. Significant depletion of other cations has yet to be
sufficiently studied, but zinc depletion may also prove problematic.
Diuretic effects on Calcium (Ca) and Sodium (Na) levels and
metabolism, while certainly important, seem to be shadowed by effects
on K and Mg, to the extent that if K and Mg levels are maintained, Ca
and Na tend to be minor considerations that are more manageable in
the proper environment provided containing stable and adequate
amounts of K and Mg. The effects of diuretics on Mg and K metabolism
should take into account site of action and duration of action of
diuretics, duration of treatment and dosage used, concurrent drug
therapy, underlying disease conditions, and dietary intake of Mg and
K. Blood
levels of chloride, calcium phosphates, bicarbonate, sodium,
potassium, and magnesium, as cations, are basic measures of health
that comprise the electrolyte panel. As such, they provide a range
of normal or acceptable values, beyond which a variety of disease
states may be contributory and problematic. While most such values
are fairly rigid boundaries of normalcy within the blood, and more
specifically in the serum, the body as a system tends to maintain
them within normal limits at the expense of stores found in more
substantial tissues like bone. An abnormal value taken alone may or
may not signify dysregulation that may point to any of a variety of
pathologies. Importantly, the serum level of potassium is fairly
friable within limits, in that it tends to respond fairly rapidly to
changes that might affect it. Magnesium, on the other hand, is
present in smaller amounts and seems more carefully maintained by
homeostatic systems; so by the time blood levels of magnesium are
noticed, serious depletion of body stores may be well underway.
acting in the proximal tubule tend to have only minor effects on Mg
excretion. Loop-blocking diuretics, though, cause major urinary
losses of Mg, which have been demonstrated in numerous experimental
and clinical studies, findings consistent with micropuncture studies
in laboratory animals that implicate the loop of Henle as the major
site of Mg reabsorption. The effects of thiazide-like diuretics on Mg
excretion, then, are less well-established than those of
loop-blocking diuretics. Experimental studies demonstrate that
thiazides have little or no direct effect on Mg transport in the
nephron, but some clinical studies indicate that thiazide treatment
may still induce Mg loss as a function of alterations in the
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and in the process of regulating
calcium and parathyroid hormone and may also be affected by
concurrent treatment with other medications and various underlying
disease conditions. Potassium-sparing diuretics are often
administered concomitantly with more potent diuretics in an effort to
assuage diuretic-induced K depletion. These agents act in the late
distal tubule and collecting duct; and evidence continues to
accumulate that these agents may also exert some magnesium-sparing
properties as well.
and clinical investigations from various laboratories point toward a
dose-response relationship of amiloride in reducing fractional
excretion of Mg and K during furosemide-induced diuresis, with a net
effect on Mg excretion less than on K excretion, an observation
compatible with the different theoretic handling of K and Mg in the
distal tubule and collecting duct. The effects of aldosterone
antagonists on Mg excretion are less well-established than those of
amiloride, and some recent studies indicate that
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors may also influence Mg and K
metabolism, which may also have important therapeutic implications.
At any rate, it should be clear that magnesium loss should be a
serious consideration of any long-term diuretic therapy, as
significant as loss of potassium. 2 Table 1: Consequences
of depletion of various ions during potassium-sparing diuretic
therapy.3 An increase in serum
potassium levels may occur after coadministration of
potassium-sparing diuretics and ACE inhibitors, resulting in
hyperkalaemia especially in patients with renal insufficiency. -
Drug Saf 1995 May; 12(5): 334-47 -- ACE inhibitors. Drug interactions
of clinical significance. -- Mignat C, Unger T. Its
occurrence is dose dependent and can be corrected by potassium
supplements, but potassium-retaining diuretics, which also correct
the often associated fall in serum magnesium, are preferable. Many
reports link hypokalaemia with cardiac arrhythmias, but some dispute
this association in the absence of the concomitant use of digoxin.
Hyponatraemia rarely occurs, but can be life threatening. Calcium
excretion is markedly reduced, but unlike other electrolyte
disturbances from diuretics, this may be valuable: some suggest
diuretics have an anti-osteoporotic action. Diuretics increase
glucose and insulin resistance and should be used sparingly in
diabetics. - Eur Heart J 1992 Dec; 13 Suppl G: 96-103 -- Adverse
reactions to diuretics. -- Prichard BN, Owens CW, Woolf AS.
zinc excretion was studied in a randomized trial in 9 patients during
treatment with bendroflumethiazide, chlorthalidone and
hydrochlorothiazide and in another 9 patients during treatment with
bumetanide, furosemide and triamterene. During treatment with the
thiazides, the zinc concentration rose by 30% and the total amount of
zinc excretion increased by 60%. In contrast, during treatment with
the loop-diuretics, urine zinc concentration diminished and the total
amount of zinc excretion increased much less than during therapy with
the thiazides. - Acta Med Scand 1980; 208(3): 209-12 -- Urinary
zinc excretion during treatment with different diuretics. -- Wester
cause magnesium deficiency and potassium deficiency. - Acta Med
Scand Suppl 1986; 707:79-83 -- Potassium-sparing diuretics. --
Dyckner T, Wester PO.
of the most common and serious side effects of diuretic therapy is in
increased urinary loss of potassium. Another, although less well
publicized, side effect of diuretic therapy is excessive urinary loss
of magnesium. - Magnesium 1986; 5(5-6): 282-92 -- Magnesium and
potassium-sparing diuretics. -- Ryan MP.
In general, the multitude of nutrients required for
optimum health are synergistic and interdependent. Thus, a depletion
of one signifies a high likelihood of deficiencies in others. Many
nutrients, for example, require the presence of either calcium or
vitamin C for normal physiological utilization, and a deficiency of
any of the B vitamins implies a deficiency in the B vitamins in
general, as they occur together in nature. In this light, while
symptoms of serum deficiency in any major cation would be expected to
share a number of similarities, potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) is
more widely-recognized than some others, easily and more reliably
measured in blood and serum, clearly defined in its acute state, and
characterized by muscle weakness, fatigue, mental confusion,
irritability, weakness, increased vulnerability to arrhythmia, and
disruptions in nerve conductivity and muscle contraction. Due to
their close relationship, with few exceptions, what is true for
potassium is also true for magnesium. A diet low in fresh fruits and
vegetables but high in sodium can significantly contribute to a
chronic potassium and magnesium deficiency, sometimes seen in elderly
populations; and the impact of such deficiency can certainly be
amplified in the presence of therapy with the digitalis glycosides,
which enhance vulnerability to arrhythmia. 4
Both enjoy major stores in bone and
can be mobilized extensively from bone by normal regulatory measures
to maintain a narrow range of normal blood levels. Body stores of
both generally increase in conditions of urinary
retention (oliguria, anuria, urinary obstruction, renal failure,
etc.) and decrease due to inadequate intake, excessive loss (as in
diarrhea and vomiting), and movement into cells (as in conditions
causing alkalosis).
Dietary potassium deficiency, though, is less common
than deficiency caused by excessive fluid loss from sweating,
diarrhea, or urination, or the use of diuretics, laxatives, aspirin,
and a few other medications. The amount of potassium normally lost
in sweat is significant (up to 3 grams of potassium per day),
especially during prolonged exercise in a warm environment. Those who
regularly exercise have higher potassium needs, so a daily intake of
at least 4 grams of potassium is recommended for such individuals.
While particularly true for the elderly,
athletes, and people with high blood pressure, patients
who consume 4,000 mg. of potassium or more
per day have a much lower incidence of all degenerative diseases
including insulin resistance syndrome, hypertension, stroke, obesity,
and adult onset diabetes. In addition to functioning as an
electrolyte, potassium is essential for conversion of blood sugar
into glycogen, the storage form of blood sugar in the muscles and
liver. A potassium shortage results in lower levels of stored
glycogen. Because exercising muscles use glycogen for energy, a
potassium deficiency produces great fatigue and muscle weakness, the
first signs of potassium deficiency.
Cells actually pump sodium out and potassium in via the
"sodium-potassium pump" in the membranes of all body cells.
One essential function is prevention of cellular swelling -- If
sodium is not pumped out, water accumulates within the cell to cause
cellular edema. The sodium-potassium pump also functions to maintain
the electrical charge within the cell, which is particularly
important to muscle and nerve cells. During nerve transmission and
muscle contraction, potassium exits the cell and sodium enters, which
results in an electrical charge change. This change causes a nerve
impulse or muscle contractions.
While the systems of most patients can adequately cope
with almost any excess of potassium, those with kidney disease are
not capable of excreting excess and thus may easily suffer overload
and toxicity, which not only affects muscles, but most significantly,
the heart to cause arrhythmia. The diabetic patient is at risk even
in the absence of known renal insufficiency. Potassium
supplementation (unless closely supervised ) is contraindicated when
using a number of medications, including digitalis glycosides,
potassium-sparing diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and
beta-blockers. 4, 5
Hyperkalemia (an excess of serum potassium) is a
potentially life-threatening illness that can be difficult to
diagnose and that can lead to sudden death due to arrhythmia, and the
clinician must be alert to its possibility in patients at risk. The
possibility of hyperkalemia requires immediate ECG to determine the
presence of electrocardiographic signs of electrolyte imbalance and
minute-to-minute levels of potassium are controlled by intracellular
to extracellular exchange, mostly by the sodium-potassium pump that
is controlled by insulin and beta2 receptors. A balance of GI intake
and renal potassium excretion normally maintains long-term potassium
balance. 5, 6