COPD: Current Therapeutic Concepts DEFINITION Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) is also referred to in various clinical settings as chronic
obstructive airway disease (COAD) as well as chronic obstructive lung
disease (COLD).1 Regardless of the preferred acronym, the
larger definition often encompasses the various pathologies involved
not only in emphysema and chronic bronchitis, but asthma,
bronchiectasis, and cystic fibrosis as well.C Various
experts, including both the American Thoracic Society and the
European Respiratory Society, prefer to limit the definition to
include only chronic bronchitis and emphysema, conditions which
usually coexist to some degree.1 Further, COPD is
often defined by reduced maximal expiratory flow and slow forced
emptying of the lungs that fail to change significantly over a period
of several months and are minimally reversible by bronchodilators.1
This last criterion usually excludes asthma from most discussions.
In fact, a primary diagnostic goal is differentiation between
asthmatic and non-asthmatic COPD,Q with a narrowing of the
definition to include only manifestations minimally ameliorated by
bronchodilators. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are by far the
most common forms of COPD, and incidence of both has continued to
rise along with the prevalence of smoking, increasing by some 33%
between 1979 and 1991.D An estimated 15 million Americans
suffer from these two disorders, and 90% of sufferers are affected by
some degree of chronic bronchitis.
It is important to
recognize, though, that asthma frequently coexists to some degree
with other COPDs and that aspects of asthma like hyper-reactivity of
the airways and inflammation tend to be shared among the other COPDs
to some degree.E,F Mounting evidence confirms the
involvement of inflammatory processes in all forms of COPD.3,4,O
While first-line therapies for asthma focus on the beta-2 agonists,
inhaled corticosteroids, and the “mast-cell stabilizers,”
management strategies differ for the other COPDs according to their
vastly different pathophysiologies, depending upon the degree to
which atopic asthma might be involved and to which chronic bronchitis
and emphysema may coexist.
PRESENTATION AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are
strongly associated with smoking, so much so that their occurrence in
patients who have never smoked is a rarity, accounting for only a
small percentage of overall incidence. Not all smokers, though,
develop COPD; and not all COPD victims have smoked or even been
exposed to sufficient environmental pollution to account for disease
development.1 Thus, a genetic predisposition or
susceptibility is strongly suspected, and in a small percentage of
suffers well documented.
Elastin, a
structural component of many tissues, is largely responsible for
maintaining the normal elasticity of those tissues.1
Pulmonary parenchymal tissue that surrounds the alveoli, alveolar
ducts, and respiratory bronchioles depends upon its elastin component
to return alveoli and associated tissues expanded by inspiration to
their normal expired volume, which is essential for proper
respiratory function.C Elastin, as with other supportive
components like bone or cartilage, is perpetually and necessarily
broken down and replaced with new components, a process that depends
upon the proper function of the breakdown and synthetic components to
maintain an optimal equilibrium. In the case of elastin, breakdown
is effected by neutrophil elastase,O that is in turn
disabled by its natural protease inhibitor, alpha-1 antitrypsin
Inadequate AAT
leads to overabundance of elastase; disrupted equilibrium; net loss
of elastin; reduced alveolar and bronchiolar elasticity (elastic
recoil);A reduced alveolar surface area, capillary
perfusion, and perfusion capacity;K,I and expanded expired
volume, typically affecting all elastic tissues beyond the terminal
bronchiole.C Such damage has so far been irreversible,
and the resulting hyperinflation means that the patient has to work
harder to attain adequate air intake to avoid hypoxia. The diaphragm
is displaced caudally, creating a situation where it must work harder
to accomplish its function;J and placing increased
burdens on ancillary breathing muscles to eventually create the
typical “barrel-chested” appearance of the patient suffering from
chronic hyperinflation. Long-term hypoxia eventually leads to cor
pulmonale, right ventricular decompensation from chronic hypoxemia
(low oxygen blood levels) and hypercapnea, (elevated carbon dioxide
blood levels). This typically includes elevated jugular venous
pressure (evident from distention), peripheral edema, hepatic
congestion, flapping tremor, and renal dysfunction with fluid and
salt retention. Hereditary AAT
deficiency is an autosomal recessive trait seen primarily in
Caucasians of Northern European descent. The heterozygous PiMZ
phenotype occurs in about 3% and the homozygous PiZZ phenotype occurs
in about 0.1% of the general population, whose majority are of the
PiMM phenotype expressing normal levels of AAT. Though PiMZ
individuals may have low levels of AAT and a corresponding increased
risk of pulmonary disease, PiZZ individuals typically have much lower
levels and bear far greater risk. Those PiZZ individuals with
extremely low levels of AAT often develop panacinar (affecting the
entire lung) emphysema at an early age (average age of 45)O
even in the absence of significant environmental risk factors; but
the varying degrees of deficiency coupled with smoking or other
environmental challenge correlate well with the incidence of COPD in
general and emphysema in particular.1
Overabundance of elastase can also be
a function of inflammation, as emphysema, asthma, and chronic
bronchitis, particularly in smokers, is associated with markedly
increased pulmonary parenchymal infiltration by polymorphonuclear
leucocytes (PMNs), neutrophils, and macrophages that elevate local
levels of elastase themselves.H,I,J,O Smoking actually
reduces the association rate constant for AAT and elastase by a
factor of 2000. Local pulmonary inflammation leads to production of
hydrogen peroxide and myeloperoxidase by macrophages and activated
neutrophils, which oxidize AAT to increase levels of elastase and
further perpetuate the inflammation. At the same time, optimal
levels of AAT tend to suppress inflammation via inhibition of
leukotriene B4, interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor, and platelet
activating factor, all essential inflammatory chemotactic factors
that recruit inflammatory cells to local tissues. Thus, not only
does smoking increase the risk of developing COPD, inadequate control
of the inflammation in asthma does also.O
Emphysema is characterized by
hyperinflation primarily affecting the terminal bronchioles and
alveoli. Not only is respiration impeded by impaired alveolar
perfusion capabilities, but the hyperinflation creates “dead air”
spaces that cannot be adequately ventilated. Thus gas exchange is
impeded by both lack of perfusion capability and by lower oxygen
content of alveolar air. In smokers, the central and upper lobes of
the lung are usually most significantly affected; while AAT
deficiency usually involves anterior and lower lobes.C
Though radiological examination
typically reveals obvious hyperinflation, flattened diaphragm, and
narrowed heart (heard best only over the xyphosternum), diagnosis is
often possible without it. Patients are almost always long-term
smokers that breathe rapidly with accessory muscles as they lean
forward on their arms, cough unproductively, often tend toward
wasting, usually without rhonchi.
bronchitis, on the other hand, is characterized by chronic
inflammation of airways more toward the trunk of the bronchial tree.
The inflammation leads to swelling of affected tissues, causing
narrowing of the affected airways; and it leads to hypersecretion of
mucus resulting in increased sputum production and eventual
hypertrophy mucus cells. Patients may breathe normally in the
absence of acute exacerbation, in spite of cyanosis, rhonchi, and
edema.C Diagnosis is via clinical definition, with
productive cough on most days for 3 months per year in 2 consecutive
Patients commonly suffer from both
disease processes, and the diagnosis can be complicated by asthma as
well. Thus, though cough is generally present, it may be productive
or non-productive; and the patient may or may not exhibit labored
breathing, cyanosis.3 Wheezing is common, and positive
response to beta-2 agonists is generally diagnostic for the presence
of asthma in the clinical picture. Patients may present initially
with acute exacerbations that may involve either viral or bacterial
infections ranging from acute bronchitis to pneumonia, which must be
assessed and suitably addressed with appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Assessment via pulmonary function tests will determine the necessity
of either acute or chronic oxygen support.
MAINTENANCE THERAPY While lung transplant and
volume reduction surgery can provide dramatic improvement for some
patients, these surgical procedures are a larger topic. Similarly,
management of acute exacerbations can quickly expand into a topic
unto itself. Thus, the focus of routine medical management is on
educating the patient in efforts to restore or maintain optimum lung
function and daily activity, prevent or minimize exacerbations, and
to retard progression of the disease.R
Smoking Cessation Since most COPD patients
are smokers, and since the association of disease manifestation with
smoking is so strong, smoking cessation efforts are the single most
significant essential measure for long-term prevention of
exacerbation and survival. Progression of COPD permanent damage is
slowed to approximately that of non-smokers with successful smoking
cessation after a period of about 6 months; but deterioration is
rapid in those who refuse to quit smoking. Thus smoking cessation
should be supported by whatever means necessary, whether by
professional counseling efforts, nicotine replacement or bupropion
therapy. Though some patients are successful in this effort simply
by going “cold turkey,” most smokers relapse from 3 up to 10
times before successful cessation is accomplished; so it is
important to follow relapse with renewed determination, not
fatalistic resignation.
Similarly, elimination
of exposure to contributory environmental or occupational
pollutants/irritants may be an essential component for the treatment
plan. The patient can hardly expect to improve his chances of
survival if unwilling to make the necessary lifestyle changes to
avoid further exacerbation.
Immunization Since the COPD patient is
at high risk of pulmonary infection and faces severe risks of dire
consequences resulting from such infections, every effort should be
made to minimize such exacerbations. Yearly immunization against
influenza, as well as against S. pneumonia repeated every 6
years, is essential to limit such infections;2,Q though
the patient remains at risk for a host of other viral and bacterial
Bronchodilators Beta-2 agonists, though the
hallmark of asthma rescue, may or may not produce a significant
therapeutic contribution for the COPD patient. Since the COPD
patient is generally older and in poorer health than the typical
purely atopic asthmatic, side effects from the beta-2 agonists,
regardless of receptor specificity, tend to pose problems in COPD.
Responsiveness to beta-2 stimulation tends to decrease with age and
with chronic use, so higher doses may be needed for significant
effect even in the asthmatic under those conditions. Since beta-2
agonists may not be optimally effective in COPD, the tendency toward
overuse must be recognized along with the consequences thereof.
Tachycardia, hypertension, and even cardiovascular events become
potential liabilities with inhaled beta-2 agonists in a patient
population noted for advanced age, smoking, and comorbid
cardiovascular disease. Oral administration of beta-2 agonists is
generally reserved only for those patients unable to utilize a
metered-dose inhaler (MDI) or nebulizer effectively, for side effects
with this systemic administration are an even greater liability.
Ipratropium bromide, though,
with its anticholinergic vagal suppression of bronchial constriction,
is recognized as the first-line treatment of choice in non-asthmatic
COPD. Administered via inhalation, ipratropium bromide has almost
negligible side effects in therapeutic dosages (up to 6 inhalations 4
times daily via metered-dose inhaler) with what is generally
considered greater efficacy than with beta-2 agonists. With its
longer onset of action of about 15 minutes and longer duration of
action of up to 8 hours, it is generally more appropriate for routine
dosing than as-needed use. Since COPD entails chronic
bronchoconstriction rather than acute attacks, the longer onset of
action is seldom a real disadvantage. In addition to its benefits of
bronchodilation, it also reduces sputum volume without affecting
viscosity,R a factor particularly advantageous in chronic
bronchitis. Though caution may be in order for the patient with
glaucoma, urinary retention, or dry mouth, systemic side effects from
even high nebulized doses of ipratropium are rare.
While most non-asthmatic COPD responds
poorly to beta-2 agonists alone, some measure of relief may be
noticed by some patients, and most experience some synergism by
adding an inhaled beta-2 agonist to a regimen entailing maximum
dosing of ipratropium bromide. This may be due in part to the fact
that asthma so often coexists to some degree with emphysema and/or
chronic bronchitis; but combining the two agents typically produces
greater efficacy and longer duration of action, further reducing the
likelihood of beta-2 side effects or complications. Combivent(TM),
which combines albuterol with ipratropium bromide in a single MDI can
often provide an optimum dose of both and enhance convenience and
compliance at the same time, as non-compliance with multiple MDIs is
a significant problem in this patient population. Methylxanthines,
having been long used in COPD, provide a number of well-documented
advantages in long-term management. Though theophylline
provides no more bronchodilation than the beta-2 agonists,
long-acting dosage forms can provide an added measure of overnight
relief, an advantage that is being reevaluated in light of the
availability of metered-dose salmeterol. Theophylline has other
advantages, though, that cannot be overlooked. Efficacy does not
depend upon proper use of an MDI; and its documented enhancement of
collateral ventilation, repiratory muscle strength and endurance,
right pulmonary function, mucociliary clearance, and central
respiratory drive cannot be overlooked. It has even been
demonstrated to contribute to the reduction of inflammation of the
relatively narrow therapeutic index lends itself to frequent and
significant side effects (nausea, tachycardia, dyspepsia, and
tremor), especially at blood levels that exceed 15mg/l. With a
therapeutic range between 10 and 20mg/l and extensive metabolism via
the cytochrome P450 enzyme system, levels are readily and
unpredictably reduced by enzyme inducers (including smoking) and
raised by CYP1A2 and 3A4 inhibitors to lower therapeutic efficacy or
cause side effects. (See Table 1) Thus, theophylline should
generally be reserved for the COPD patient who fails to respond or
fail to comply with MDI bronchodilator administration.2
Table 1.
Some Significant Drug Interactions With
Blood levels are increased by these
enzyme inhibitors: Macrolide antibiotics:
Clarithromycin, erythromycin, and troleandomycin, though azithromycin
might be considered instead.
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics:
Ciprofloxacin and enoxacin. Ofloxacin and lomefloxacin may be
considered instead, as they have little effect on theophylline
Cimetidine: Consider
ranitidine, nizatidine, or famotidine as alternative choices.
SSRIs: Fluvoxamine interacts
significantly, while paroxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline do not.
Miscellaneous agents:
Allopurinol, disulfuram, mexiletine, pentoxifylline, propafenone,
tacrine, thiabendazole, ticlopidine, verapamil, and zileuton.
Blood levels are gradually decreased
by these enzyme inducers: Anti-epileptic agents:
Barbiturates, carbamazepine, phenytoin, and primidone.
Anti-mycobacterial agents:
Rifabutin, and rifampin.
Glutethimide and aminoglutethimide.S
in COPD are also a controversial issue; and here again, efficacy
improves as the level of asthma involvement increases and even acute
exacerbation. As inflammatory factors in the pathogenesis of COPD
become more evident, the role of long-term suppression of
inflammation in preventing disease progression may be redefined;N
but clinical benefit in the COPD patient is limited. When utilized
for refractory cases that perhaps fail to respond to bronchodilator
therapy or in acute exacerbation,1 40mg per day of
prednisone tapered as soon as practical may be tried, with eventual
change to MDI administration to limit side effects. As with the
various bronchodilator therapies, if no benefit is seen,
corticosteroids should be discontinued.2
In cases of
congenital AAT deficiency (PiZZ phenotype), Prolastin(TM) (human
alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor) in a regimen of 60mg/kg IV once
weekly can prevent exacerbation of panacinar emphysema. Studies are
underway to evaluate nebulizer administration; improvement of
symptoms has been noted in PiZZ patients with atopic asthma,
especially with concurrent use of antileukotrienes.O
Current research efforts are also
evaluating the use of retinoic acid, particularly all-trans
retinoic acid (ATRA) in COPD. Evidence in animal studies shows
that ATRA actually causes growth of new alveolar tissues and alveoli
– actually reversing the damage done by emphysema. U,V
Supplemental Oxygen Though home administration of oxygen
to the patient recovering from acute exacerbation or to alleviate
exercise-induced dyspnea has not been shown to improve survival or
even speed recovery, it can make the patient more comfortable.
Chronic hypoxemia, though, causes irreversible pulmonary
vasoconstriction to further limit perfusion capacity and eventually
lead to cor pulmonale and increased mortality. Regular
administration of oxygen for periods of 15 hours or more per day to
the patient with severe chronic hypoxemia has been shown to
significantly reduce progression of COPD. Studies indicate that
long-term administration must continue for at least six months at
least 15 hours per day to produce any significant reduction in
progression rate or mortality. Overnight administration while the
patient sleeps is insufficient.2
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